Lech Gniady, PhD

Board member, Attorney-at-law

Specialist practice areas:

  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Real Estate / Construction Law


Graduate of the Law and Administration Department of Warsaw University, diploma in 2007.

In 2012 Lech was entered into the list of attorneys-at-law kept by the Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.

In 2019 Lech successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled "Tacit Determination of an Administrative Matter and its Consequences in Civil Law" and got his PhD in Law.

In 2020 Lech was lecturing at the Faculty of Law at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities on antimonopoly law and competition protection under private law.

In his practice Lech represents clients in commercial court disputes, including those related to intellectual property and counteracting unfair competition.

Moreover, he deals with providing legal services on the real estate market, including among others permanent legal service of a shopping center, comprehensive assistance in transactions, and commercial leases.

Lech also deals with administrative law in the broad sense, and he represents clients in administrative proceedings and administrative-and-court proceedings.

He has been working with Peter Nielsen & Partners Law Office since 2007.


  • Polish
  • English


  • International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)


  • Milczące załatwienie sprawy administracyjnej oraz jego skutki cywilnoprawne [Tacit determination of an administrative matter and its civil law consequences], Municipium Publishing House, Warszawa 2020
  • Stosowanie milczącego załatwienia sprawy administracyjnej w ramach realizacji kompetencji jednostek samorządu terytorialnego [Mechanism of tacit determination of an administrative matter used within the powers exercised by local self-governmental authorities], Samorząd Terytorialny, Nr 1-2/2020
  • Umowne wyłączenie możliwości żądania obniżenia czynszu dzierżawnego [The possibility to request lease rent decrease excluded by contract], Nieruchomości C.H. Beck, Nr 11/2019
  • Roszczenia o wypłatę zaniżonych dotacji dla przedszkoli niepublicznych [Claims for payment of underpaid subsidies for private preschools], Samorząd Terytorialny, 3/2018
  • Odpowiedzialność powiatu za decyzje administracyjne wydane z naruszeniem prawa [Poviat’s liability for administrative decisions issued in violation of law], Nieruchomości C.H. Beck, no. 08 (204) August 2015
  • Wykorzystanie dotacji nie musi następować poprzez zapłatę [The use of subsidiaries does not have to take place by payment], Wspólnota no. 9/1171, 2015

Contact us

  • PNP Tax & Accounts Sp. z o.o.
  • Address:
    Al. Jana Pawła II 27
    00-867 Warszawa, Polska
  • Tel.: +48 22 59 29 000
  • e-mail: office@pnptax.pl
  • Career:  office@pnptax.pl
